Saturday, December 3, 2011


When I think about it, I really can't blame them.
Living in the 12th century leaves a lot of gaps in your day.  Menzio, the court artist
has now painted 1832 pictures of Helen of Troy, the last 1829 topless as requested.
A face that could launch a thousand ships and a body that could stiffen a thousand dicks
is an obsession that has, after 113,756 viewings, lost its' launching ability. This was
apparent to all when Menzio lost his cool and could be heard yelling at Cardinal Vorsleden,
"I can't make her nipples bigger than her head."
Let's see... we have enough recipes for porridge,
we're pressing on with our HOW TO SPOT A JEW manuscript,  and we're moving ahead
an advanced torture device.  The Gospel of Mark has a bit too much humanity in it.
We could declare him a heretic and go with 3 Gospels, but Marky Mark has a lot fans.
Cardinal Martinez from the East Bronx has an idea that's worth hearing...  "let's cut back
the number of miracles needed for Sainthood. I say we go with NO MIRACLES. The
Supremes were much better anyway."  This idea is quickly shot down when Cardinal
Sparrow exclaims, "you Puerto Rican ninny... that means everyone could be a Saint.
It makes no sense." Martinez, highly esteemed for his ability to quickly conjure and
articulate a reasonable argument for anything responds, " nothing we do in this place
makes fucking sense and next time you talk down to me I'll Cut You." Well said, Martinez.

(The Holy Father enters the chamber. Heads are bowed. Silence beyond silence.)

HF:  We have sworn an oath and dedicated our lives to eradicating joy. To that end,
         I have decided to excommunicate any who engage in inter-marriage. Black and white
         is still A-OKAY for police cars, checkers, milkshakes and cookies sold in Brooklyn.
         I am also giving serious thought to condemning Thick-Cut-No-Nitrate-Bacon.
         Sales are way which means people are digging this shit.  Let us pray.

You can't go where I go. You don't know what I know.
You don't see what I see. Do not think you are me.
When you designate blame you cloak me in shame.
If anguish is your goal then cease to speak my name.
Til you turn water into wine, until you heal the sick and blind
Do NOT paint yourself divine if it's me you hope to find.
You don't see what I see. Do not think you are me.