Monday, November 14, 2011



The world again has a man in the position of “Vicar of Christ,” so it is biblically imperative to examine the true office of the Vicar of Christ. The Lord Jesus Christ entrusted the universal care of souls into the safekeeping of the Divine Person of the Holy Spirit. Concerning this Third Person of the Trinity who was to be His substitute, the Lord promised that,“when he is come, he will reprove the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment” (John 16:8). The Holy Spirit convicts of sin as He makes the sinner realize his lost condition and convicts him of his need of Christ's righteousness. He it is who brings a soul dead in sin to life.

Time for me to  jump in.  As a 16 year old, the person I looked up to above all others was
Thomas Conlon. Three years my senior, Tom commanded your respect with a gentle smile
and an aura of kindness that sapped the rage from our hardcore neighborhood sociopaths,
if only for 5 minutes. Tom, his father Mike and his mom Mary lived in the same building as my family, and their door was always open to me. I visited often, sometimes just to hear Mike say, Jeffrey, lad, don't count your Macfinleys before they hatch. Naturally, I never did, at least I don't think I did. A year later Tom became Father Tom. An unforgettable moment for anyone who knew the Conlon Family. First time I saw him in Black and White, the tears ran down my face. Two years later those tears formed a lake in my heart when word came that Father Tom had been killed during a missionary trip to Africa.
I tell that story so you know where I stand when I say all that follows.

Devout followers of the Catholic Religion who choose to regard the Pope as the Vicar
of Christ don't need my permission or anyone else's. But if you regard the Vatican's
Highest Ranking Holy Man as a SUBSTITUTE for Christ, you elevate him to
a position no flesh and blood person merits while diminishing Jesus Christ.
My imagination is immensely fertile, but on my best day I could not imagine Jesus
travelling the world, offering  words of sorrow and remorse for the sick and sickening behavior of more depraved priests than there are sheep in New Zealand  while offering
Cardinal Law Leona Helmsley comfort in the form of 6 room apartment in the Vatican
attended by servants along with the peace of mind in knowing he was not subject to
extradition from any country in the world. I prefer to think Jesus would have handled this
with heavenly insight and all the justice in his heart. There is a story in the Gospel of Mark.
Picking up in the middle it reads... taking the child in his arms, he said...whoever
welcomes one such child in my name welcomes me. And whoever welcomes me welcomes not me, but the one who sent me.        (see

 The perfect lead-in to The Pro-Bullying Legislation Very Thinly Disguised as 
Anti-Bullying Legislation AKA The Jesus Never Said It But He Would Have
If He Could Have Legislation.  Unanimously supported by both declared
and undeclared sadists who strongly believe their interpretation
of an Omniscient God represents badly needed oversight in those cases 
where Jesus blew it.

Let's look at potential situations that fall into one of two possibilities--

 Dan says:  Jesus' sandals were old and dirty.   Dan's pelvis is crushed by bullies. 
JUDGE: "This is mocking our Lord"   so it's BA
Dan says: Jesus' sandals were unbuckled.    Dan's jaw is broken in 3 parts.
JUDGE: "Republicans should know his sandals had no buckles."   Even so, BA !!
Joe says: (Dan can't talk) Jesus hated The Last Supper.  DAN'S legs are snapped.

NOTE- The Judge is about to say BA when Prosecution says, "Approach please"
The judge signals both lawyers to approach bench.
JUDGE:  (to Pros) "This is just more mockery."
PROS:  Not really your honor. The 4 Gospels are in agreement on only 25%
of their writings. But they all agree Jesus hated his lamb served cold.
JUDGE: The lamb was cold?
PROS: It was nippy that night. The lamb could have been 45 degrees.
DEF:  Let's get real. The pita was toasted so what's the difference?
JUDGE:  The defense makes a strong point.
PROS: Not really your honor. Jesus loved the way Mary's cousin Adele
made lamb.  
DEF: I never heard of Adele.
JUDGE: Me neither.
PROS: Well... you guys were never invited to dinner.
JUDGE: True enough. So how did this Adele babe cook it?
PROS:  On a very large very hot flat stone. She seared the lamb then put
leeks on top, and TOPPED THAT with a mixture of prunes, apricots and her
secret ingredient that's really tasty and opens the arteries.
JUDGE: You're kidding... what was it?
DEF: I must object!
JUDGE: You shut your pie hole. I have an aortic aneurysm. (To Pros) What was it?
JUDGE: Damn... I love that shit. I want a copy of that recipe. I could live another year.
DEF: OBJECTION !!  Come on were this close to saying BA.
We're not talkin' about The Last Lunch... this was Our Lord's
JUDGE: Did you just say LAST LUNCH?  It don't really bother you at all that
Jesus ate cold lamb and missed out on his beloved leeks apricots and prunes. Probably messed up his evening bowel movement, too.
 (To Cops) Lamar, you and Titus, pick up the 4 bullies down at the school.
LAMAR: I could drop off our friend here and mention that Last Lunch comment?
JUDGE: No. Get him home safe. That's what Jesus would do.

In Memory of Father Tom Conlon


Saturday, November 12, 2011


You don't want to become the things you hate. Hate will drain you faster than a three-handed plumber
using tools he found in Bruce Wayne's basement.  When I was young, I didn't have the slightest notion
that skin color was anything more than the difference you found when you opened a box of crayons.
Annie, my grandmother's nurse was light brown. Laura, the lady who came to clean the house every
week was dark brown. My mother's mood was black. Three crayon colors I needed to fill in the
outline of the German Shepherd. Nothing more and nothing less. Not when you're a 7 year old.

Now we jump 61 years to today. Yes, 6 decades is a chasm to jump but I'm not writing a novel and
if I had been present at any one of these events I'd be dead. Until I was 15 my vocabulary was pretty
much limited to 8 or 9 variations of "Fuck You"... And if you know nothing or little about Dr. King, Medgar Evers, Chaney Goodman, and Schwerner ... George Wallace, Gov Faubus and LBJ calling
in The National Guard, The Black Panthers, The Greensboro 4, Emmett Till, Brown Vs. Board of Ed,
or some of this country's proudest achievements... Jim Crow, The Black Codes, Plessy vs. Ferguson,
you might want to read about.....sorry, I can read can't you?

Last week, the story just broke about the Eugenics program that went on in North Carolina.
Over 7000 people, mostly young black girls between 9 and 18 who were sterilized. Butchered by
decree of a 5 person panel of  maladapted morons marinated in madness who can't even spell the procedure they're endorsing. I'm probably being too harsh here.
After all, this sub-human program was going on in more than 30 states starting as far back
as 1915 and the 48 people in N.C. who have been identified as victims are being generously
offered $20,000 and in some cases, $50,000. Well now... that shines a brighter light on things.
Show me the money and cut my dick off!

All these states trying to eradicate the black/latino vote should just stop tiptoeing around the edges
and step to the center of the dance floor. Take a cue from Ann Coulter alluding to a key difference
between Republicans and Democrats....."Our blacks are better than their blacks." Yeah, Better but
you know, not as good, not as smart as white folk. Like that state where 83% of high school students,
predominantly white, couldn't name the first two Presidents of this country.
Now, that is definitely something to Jim Crow about.

Joe Paterno got good advice when he hired a criminal lawyer. I don't think he'll ever spend
a day in prison, but it wouldn't shock me if he spent 3 years under house arrest.
Look, you can't condemn an entire university for the sins of 10 people or 30 or 100.
But when you run into a burning building and see only a football and an 8 year old boy 
and you choose to save the football, I suggest you spend the balance of your life on your
knees praying for your soul.  No, it won't help, but that's your problem.