Sunday, October 16, 2011


Closing in on my 69th birthday, I no longer feel comfortable saying I can
give 99% of ad agency copywriters a 9 day head start on a 10 day assignment
and bring them to tears. However, if I lower that number to 93%, I like my chances.

Spinoza is over there in the corner nodding his head (he's there... I see him) and he
wants to frame my words somewhat differently. Go ahead SPINNY...
"my friend selects these numerals based not upon some hubristic fancy,
but rather upon 42 years of astute observation in which he played a major role...
and displayed a gift so rare we celebrate it still." Thank you my philosopher friend.
By the way, Spin is Jewish, so let's all wish him a Happy New Year. If I get my hands
on his brisket recipe, I'm Gold!  SHOW SOME RESPECT WOLFF. You're right.

Spinoza, one of the greatest minds in history was excommunicated for questioning the bible.
Even worse, he was on the "Do Not Invite List" issued by The Church. He died in 1677
allegedly of something like TB, but the folks on CSI say the 14 stab wounds didn't help.
I have no doubt he was murdered  for.... Using His Mind. The lesson here is clear. Don't Think!!
If you find yourself thinking, especially about fairy tales accepted as Universal Truths,
seek out a physician IMMEDIATELY and induce coma.

Okay, back to the point I want to make. Pick a profession... thoracic surgeon? actor?
sculptor? geologist? football player? Just pick one or five, or all of them... it doesn't matter.
No more than 3% of the people in any field you choose, are TRULY GREAT.
Think about what you do or something you love. It's sunday and maybe you're watching football.
How many of those guys out on the field are great? That's what I said... 3%.  I'm going to the movies
tonight. What percent of film directors, actors, cinematographers are GREAT? Correct.

So getting back to where I started,  it's possible (not probable) I may have slipped a bit and
fallen out of that magic 3%.
Either way, I feel driven to talk about Smart Car-- Dumb TV Spot.
The Smart Car is not new. It is not the Fiat 500...which is new. If there's one thing
people could tell you about the Smart Car it would be this... if you get hit by this car,
you'll have to go to the hospital and have it removed! In short, it's short, or as 
I call it,  SMALL. Small, Small, Small, Small, Small.

So the people who were involved in this production, including the creators of the spot,
infatuated by their own cleverness, decided the ONE thing people had to be told is...
this car is small.  You know what's good about this.  It tells me just who to go to
for my SAVE THE RHINO  TVspot I need produced. Can you picture it?
23 different situations utilizing 33 cuts as we hear "SMALL" 33 times and then we cut
to a shot of the Majestic Rhino and someone says, "BIG".  Wow, I am moved.
"Honey... where's my checkbook?"

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