Thursday, March 3, 2016

Excerpt from my novel in progress about depression, tentatively called "All the King's Men"

As I made my way deeper into The Noonday Demon, I came to a place where the learned Andrew Solomon and I had a slightly different perspective. It’s his belief that “the opposite of depression is not happiness, but vitality.” It’s easy to see why he arrives at his conclusion when sitting up in bed is tantamount to climbing Everest. What’s lost to depression is gone forever. You don’t get to double down in hopes of regaining it. The loss of vitality, especially over a long period of time, frequently leads to the loss of hope. With the will to live right on its heels. This is especially true when major depression is Treatment Resistant and repels everything you throw at it in effort to slow it down, if not eviscerate it.   

For me, nothing was more depleting, defeating,  deadening and heartbreaking  than the loss of my Emotional Arc. That 180 degree span that runs from the mountaintops of joy to the dark dungeon of despair is forever eradicated and replaced with an arc that runs from 3 degrees to, if you’re truly lucky, 45.  Four seasons become One. They are not compressed into One, because that would suggest there are vestiges of all the seasons in lesser amounts.  Never again will you embrace  the soothing warmth of a Summer sun, the smile that seems to come as if by request, with a gentle Spring rain, or the stunning poetry found in the changing colors of Fall leaves. For you, one season lives on INSIDE your heart and mind. You won’t be needing skis, sled, boots or mittens as you live minute to minute enduring the killing cold and endless brutality of the one season that remains. The Siberian Winter that is now your life.      

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